(KOEURNG RAKSMIY Batch 2014 Roll No. 6 Cambodian)
“There will be no success without disciplinary.” Hi, my name is KOEURNG RAKSMIY and my nickname is Dr. Osca. I’m from Cambodia. Local city is Battambang. I’m the first son of a farmer family, I was born in October 1992. It’s my great honor to passed the government scholarship to study medicine in China and my life is 360 degree changing towards my successful career till now .
As I mention above discipline will bring you success in every gaol that you set up for your life it including respect to your time , your teacher, your book , your study and your life.
I would like to share my experience , when I was medical student in Jiujiang University. I was entering to China at 2014 after I got the China-Cambodia relationship scholarship. It was so great full for me as a chosen candidate. My first day of entering the school I feel so proud of China . I started the class with 23 different nations but only me is Cambodian. We all are good classmates and get along each other’s. My first class is Basic medical science ( Anatomy, Histology….). It really a very tufts time for me in my life, I face two big issues at that time, first is my English and medical basis knowledge because every is very new for me , I can’t say even the simple medical terminology. I remember that time, Everyone was laughing when I answered the question which asked by our teacher. No one understands what I was saying… I had failed my almost every medical basis subjects in my fist three months classes , I was very sad and depressed because of my study , I don’t understand clearly about what lecturers said and if I want to ask questions , my English is so bad. In that time I almost give up and go back to my country. But when I heard a phrase from Dr. Henry Owsu . Who’s teach me Medical terminology at that time , He said The great things in life is Doing things that everyone say you Can’t. With this encouragement I was rethinking about what I should do to understand the medical knowledge subject and how to make up my study plans. I started to do research on books, Internet, Wikipedia, google and YouTube for every lecture after class and make a very clear note for myself when I was studying in library and dormitory. At that time I took library as my second place after class, I reduced my hang out time and spent all time with books and research for every single point that I’m not understanding in my class. I also make a study group with classmates and discuss about our most difficult points after classes.
For all those efforts I had passed all subjects with goods points in my first semester of the first year. To be continued my study plan I had grown my knowledge of medical day by day , I love to attend all workshop , Presentations competitions and actively in my extra curriculum activities which provided me many improvement in both knowledge, communication and leadership. For that chance I had joined the FIS committee as the coordinator for all forums of our faculty with senior and junior from different countries.
I had gathering many others Cambodian students from different schools in China to create the Association of Cambodian Students In China with senior in Beijing and lead them for Culture and traditional show every year for Khmer year celebrations in China.
I had got many awards from FIS and the most honorable awards for my life is the Distinguished Awards from Jiujiang University from 2014 to 2020. I had got and passed all subjects with goods mark in my final year and failing to my internship years.
Disciplinary always leads me to knowledge and success during my internship in China ( 九江附属医院) I had learned many skills with doctors and directors of each attended departments. I had joint very fully with Professor Zhu the director of Orthopedic and traumatic surgery. He had teach me the basics and skills of surgical procedure.
After I passed my internship I got and my degree and documents back home country, Recently after back from China I just spent 2 months to prepared for my national entering medical examination. I had passed and join the Cambodian Medical Doctors association as the General physician. I had got two jobs at a time , Nowadays I work as the Maxillo-Facials and traumatic Surgical assistance in Khmer Soviet Friendships Hospital in Phnom Penh city, the Capital of Cambodia. My second job is working as a General Medical Doctor in Bellevie Clinic in Phnom City .
My advice and encouragement to others is never underestimate or look down other’s people just keep yourself discipline respect to others and work hard with your clear and real plans of your goals. Still my admiration Discipline is the ways that bring you to success!